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The inbox is extremely important for the agent, as it is what they will work with during their working hours to create, receive, and manage interactions. At the same time, it has other functionalities such as viewing the interaction history, sending messages to other agents and campaigns, managing contacts, and more! The inbox consists of different tabs, including:

With the search bar the agent can search different things depending on the tab you are. For example, if you are in the Active interactions tab, you can search only for active interactions. If you are in the Pending interactions tab, you will only search for Pending interactions. And the same with History, Contacts and Phonebook tabs.

Start a new interaction

The agent can start a new interaction with a really simple way, you must follow the following procedure:

  1. Press into the plus button located in the right top of the inbox.
  2. Once you press the button, the channels that the agent is member are going to be showed and the agent must to select one to start the interaction.
  3. Select the campaign.
  4. Complete the necessary fields
  5. Press the button to start the interaction.
  6. Ready!

Active interactions

In this tab, the agent will see the list of her active interactions. By pressing on each one, the interaction is going to be opened in the inbox. Also, if you press into the 3 dots button, you can transfer or finalize interactions.

Pending interactions

In this tab, the agent will see the list of interactions that are pending in queue to be connected with an agent. Depeding on the strategy of the campaign, is the number of interactions that the agent can see.


In the historic the agent will see her closed interactions of all channels. By pressing over one of them, the historic of messages will be appeared.

Contacts and campaign chat

In this tab, the agent will see the contacts and the campaigns chats to send messages and chat with other users.


The Phonebook is an interesting tool for the agent. You can add contacts,

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