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When we talk about dialer, in addition to the ordinary permissions such as view, create, delete, and modify, there is also certain special permissions, below is a brief explanation of them.

Create permissionView
Allows the user to view existing dialers
Create permissionCreate
Allows the user to create new dialer
Edit permissionEdit
Allows the user to update existing dialer
Delete permissionDelete
Allows the user to delete dialer
List permissionList
Allows the user to monitor and manage the lists uploaded to the dialer

Create Dialer


To create our dialer satisfactorily, it is necessary to follow a series of simple steps. All following requested information is mandatory:

  1. Go to the Automation tab in the platform.
  2. Click on the Dialer tab in the horizontal menu.
  3. Click on the "New" button in the upper right corner of the screen or use the keyboard shortcut "Alt+Shift+N". This will open a dialog to fill the data.
Create dialog basic tab

💡 If you want to know more about dialer type, click here.


This is the most important part of the dialer, here we will configure the dialer to our liking, we will explain each of the options that we can configure in this section. All following requested information are not mandatory.

The configuration for each channel is specified below.

Telephony configuration tab
Maximum abandon ratePercentage of Maximum Abandon RatePredictive
OverdialIt selects a percentage of over dial that would have the dialer.Power Dialer
RetriesThe maximum amount of calls for the number in the base in Progressive to try to connect with the agent.
Time bettween retriesConfigure the time existing when an agent has finished one and the dialer delivers the next one.
Max ChannelsAmount of calls that are made simultaneously
Calls per secondDialer campaign
Ring time outTime that the dialer will wait for the call to be answered.
LanguageLanguage of the dialer.
IvrThe IVR use by dialerVoiceBroadcast
AMDHang up calls answered by voicemails
DNCRDo not call registry, allows verify whether blocked the registry.
RulesThe rules are used to filter the numbers that will be used in the dialer.
Sms configuration tab
Time bettween messagesConfigure the time existing when dialer send a message and the dialer send the next one.
DNCRDo not call registry, allows verify whether blocked the registry.
Email configuration tab
Time bettween messagesConfigure the time existing when dialer send a message and the dialer send the next one.
TemplateThe template is essentially the body of the email message that will be sent out
Unsubscribe HTMLAllows the user to specify the HTML code or link that will be included in the email footer. This code or link provides recipients with the ability to unsubscribe from the mailing list by clicking on a link or button


Amd variables are used to configure the dialer to hang up calls answered by voicemails.

AMD tab

You can choose from default values by selecting a country, and then customize them according to your needs. Alternatively, you have the option to configure all the settings manually based on your preferences. The variables are the following:

initialSilenceIs maximum initial silence duration before greeting
greetingis the maximum length of a greeting
afterGreetingSilenceIs the silence after detecting a greeting
totalAnalysisTimeIs the maximum time allowed for the algorithm to decide on whether the audio represents a HUMAN, or a MACHINE
minimumWordLengthIs the minimum duration of Voice considered to be a word
betweenWordsSilenceIs the minimum duration of silence after a word to consider the audio that follows to be a new word
maximumNumberOfWordsIs the maximum number of words in a greeting. If this is REACHED, then the result is detection as a MACHINE
silenceThresholdWhat is the average level of noise from 0 to 32767 which if not exceeded, should be considered silence?


If the channel is telephony, this tab will appear with the following information: A list to select the numbers that will be used in the dialer, with the possibility of adding numbers to the list.

Numbers tab


Schedule is a date on which it is desired that the dialer works. Schedule can be the same as the campaign or you can set a different schedule for the dialer.

Schedule tab



Edit Dialer

To edit a dialer, we must follow the following steps:

  1. Go to the Automation tab in the platform.
  2. Click on the Dialer tab in the horizontal menu.
  3. Click on the three dots that appear in the right corner of the wallboard that we want to edit and click on the option Edit or click in the row. Both options show the form to make the changes.
  4. Make the necessary changes.
  5. Click on the "Save" button to save the changes.

Delete Dialer

To delete a dialer, we must follow the following steps:

  1. Go to the Automation tab in the platform.
  2. Click on the Dialer tab in the horizontal menu.
  3. Click on the three dots that appear in the right corner of the dialer that we want to delete.
  4. Click on the "Delete" option.

At this point, an alert will appear asking us to confirm the deletion of the dialer, if we want to delete it, we must click on the "Confirm" button, otherwise, we must click on the "Cancel" button.

Delete confirm dialog







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